After much anticipation, CRA’s new online road agency database, MiRAD, is available to all county road agency staff and commissioners!

A Finance & Human Resources MiRAD workgroup has worked for 14 months to help build and refine MiRAD into the flexible, intuitive system available to everyone today. MiRAD works on modern browsers, including Chrome and Firefox, and is fast, friendly and customizable.

MiRAD replaces the antiquated MISCRAM and features:

  • A new, modern design;
  • Basic county road agency office and inventory information;
  • Compensation survey data;
  • Act 51 revenue and expenditure data;
  • Multiple levels of user access with multiple accounts per county road agency; and
  • Customizable reporting on all data fields, allowing you to sort data and export reports to Excel to help benchmark your county road agency.

Users can also sign up for CRA events, pay CRA invoices and much more!

To sign up for a MiRAD login, visit micountyroads.org/MiRADsignup.

Once your account is active, you can sign into MiRAD at micountyroads.org/MiRAD.

Links to get information to get started:

If you have any questions, please contact Dustin Earley at dearley@micountyroads.org or at 517.482.1189.