2021-2022 Bill Tracker

CRA has wide ranging interests. It tracks legislation on issues ranging from road and infrastructure funding to unfunded liabilities, agriculture, the logging industry, safety and more. The following are the bills CRA tracked in the 2021-2022 legislative session.

Bill#, Sponsor, Date
CRA's Position
SB 4, Sen. Wojno (D-Macomb), 1/13/2021Would amend Act 51, by continuing MDOT’s flexible pavement warranty program for “contracted construction work” on pavement projects with costs exceeding $2 million. The bill would mandate pavement warranties for full replacement or that appropriate repairs be secured for “new construction or reconstruction” projects undertaken after April 1, 2016.

It is unclear if the $2 million threshold applies to MDOT’s “new construction or reconstruction” projects or applies to all MDOT projects regardless of cost. This proposed change does not apply to local agency projects – so far. Read more...
Senate introduced bill
SB 26, Sen. Stamas (R-Midland), 1/13/2021Provides for supplemental appropriations for fiscal year 2019-2020. Read more...As passed by the Senate
SB 27, Sen. Stamas (R-Midland), 1/13/2021Provides for supplemental appropriations for fiscal year 2020-2021. Read more...PA 67
SB 28, Sen. Stamas (R-Midland),
Provides for supplemental appropriations for fiscal years 2019-2020 and 2020-2021. Read more...PA 65support
SB 32, Sen. MacDonald (R-Macomb), 1/26/2021Would change the Motor Fuel Tax by requiring motor fuel taxes to be dispersed to county when fuel tax was collected. Read more...Senate introduced billstrong opposition
SB 39, Sen. Victory (R-Ottawa), 1/26/2021Would amend the County Road Law by clarifying that actions against county road commissions for highway defects are subject to the Governmental Immunity Act. Read more...As passed by the Senatestrong support
SB 43, Sen. Victory (R-Ottawa), 1/26/2021Would amend the Governmental Liability for Negligence Act by removing county road commissions from this statute. Read more...As passed by the senatestrong support
HB 4014, Sen. Slagh (R-Ottawa), 1/26/2021Would amend the Michigan Vehicle Code (MVC) by creating an alternative method for establishing speed limits. Read more...As passed by the Housestrong opposition
SB 92, Sen. Schmidt (R-Grand Traverse), 2/2/2021Provides appropriations for the transportation budget for Fiscal Year 2022. Read more...As passed by the Housesupport
HB 4077, Sen. LaFave (R-Dickenson), 2/2/2021Would amend the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act by allowing public access to unattended self-service fueling stations. Read more...As passed by the Housesupport
HB 4117, Rep. S. Johnson (R-Allegan), 2/3/2021Would amend the Michigan Vehicle Code (MVC) by providing for two-year vehicle registration. Read more...PA 112neutral position
HB 4150, Rep. Glenn (R-Midland), 2/4/2021Would amend the MVC by providing penalties for uses of certain farm-related vehicles that violate certain registration requirements. Read more...As passed by the Housesupport
SB 122, Sen. Chang (D-Wayne), 2/9/2021Would amend the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act by creating a public risk assessment database for certain shoreline properties. Read more...Senate introduced billsupport
HB 4178, Rep. Clemente (D-Wayne), 2/9/2021Would provide for designation of high-occupancy vehicle lanes by agency having jurisdiction over the highway. Read more...House introduced billneutral position
HB 4179, Rep. Sneller (D-Genesee), 2/9/2021Would provide for designation of high-occupancy vehicle lanes by agency having jurisdiction over the highway. Read more... House introduced billneutral position
HB 4252, Rep. Sneller (D-Genesee), 2/16/2021Would amend the Railroad Code of 1993 by increasing the railroad crossing signal devices maintenance costs and mandating they be paid by the road agency with jurisdiction at the crossing. Read more...PA 62opposition
HB 4328, Rep. Eisen (R-St. Clair), 2/24/21Would amend Act 51 by increasing the local force account threshold from $100,000 to $300,000 per project and at this time no annual cap. This is a re-introduction of a bill from last session that was vetoed by the Governor during lame duck due to the annual cap being insufficient for the City of Detroit and, presumably, other urban areas. Read more...House introduced billstrong support
HB 4409, Rep. VanSingel (R-Newaygo), 3/2/2021An FY 2021-22 Appropriation Budget for the Department of Transportation. Read more...As passed by the Senatesupport
HB 4422, Rep. Hoitenga (R-Wexford), 3/2/2021Would amend the Railroad Code of 1993 by modifying the exceptions to stringing wire over and across railway right-of-way. Read more...House introduced billneutral position
HB 4452, Rep. Bellino (R-Monroe), 3/9/2021Would amend the Railroad Code of 1993 by clarifying ROW authority and access by others onto railroad property. Read more...House introduced billneutral position
HB 4453, Rep. Bellino (R-Monroe), 3/9/2021Would amend the Highway Obstructions and Encroachments on Public Highways; Use of Highways by Public Utilities statute by prohibiting construction and repair interference of railroads during construction and maintenance of utilities. Read more... House introduced billneutral position
HB 4603, Rep. Bellino (R- Monroe), 4/13/2021Would amend the Open Meeting Act by modifying circumstances permitting public meetings of certain public bodies to be held electronically by telephonic or video conferencing. Read more...PA 54support
HB 4544, Rep. Yaroch (R-Macomb), 3/18/2021Would amend the Michigan Strategic Fund Act by allowing $60 million of Michigan strategic fund to be transferred and appropriated to the Michigan Transportation Fund (MTF) beginning FY 2022 and thereafter. Read more...House introduced billsupport
HB 4545, Rep. Yaroch (R-Macomb), 3/18/2021Would amend the Michigan Vehicle Code (MVC) by allocating revenue distribution from vehicle registration fees to the county where the registrant resides and distributing per lane mile to the local road agency. Read more...House introduced billstrong opposition
HB 4546, Rep. Wozniak (R-Macomb), 3/18/2021Would amend Act 51 by allocating revenue distribution of motor fuel tax for roads to the road agency in the county in proportion to the number of registered vehicles and apply per lane mile. Read more...House introduced billstrong opposition
HB 4547, Rep. Hertel, Jr. (D-Wayne), 3/18/2021Would amend Act 51 by re-defining the calculation of highway, road and street miles from “straight miles” to “lane miles.” The bill also defines “urban routes” as the portions of two-lane county primary roads within an urban area that have average daily traffic in excess of 15,000. Read more...House introduced billoppose
SB 379, Sen. Nesbitt (R-Cass), 4/21/2021Would amend Act 51 by requiring legislative approval for issuance of MDOT bonds. Read more...As passed by the Senateneutral position
HB 4669, Rep. VanSingel (R-Newaygo), 4/21/2021Would amend Act 51 by providing an irrevocable trust fund for bonds issued on road projects.Read more...As passed by the Houseneutral position
HB 4697, Rep. Maddock (R-Oakland), 4/22/2021Would amend the Michigan Vehicle Code (MVC) by modifying mobile home permit requirements and processes.Read more...House introduced billoppose
SB 394, Sen. Schmidt (R-Grand Traverse), 4/28/2021Would amend Act 51 by modifying the distribution of state gas tax and vehicle registration revenue and federal funding for FY 2020-2021, only. Read more...Senate introduced billstrong support
SB 425, Sen. Zorn (R-Monroe), 5/06/2021Would amend Act 51 by creating a new local railroad grade separation grant program within MDOT, including a scoring system. The bill allows Treasury to create an account/fund for this program. Applications by counties and municipalities can be submitted to MDOT. Read more...As passed by the Senateneutral position
SB 426, Sen. Zorn (R-Monroe), 5/06/2021Would amend Act 51 by creating a new local railroad grade separation grant program within MDOT, including a scoring system. The bill allows Treasury to create an account/fund for this program. Applications by counties and municipalities can be submitted to MDOT.Read more...Senate introduced billneutral position
SB 427, Sen. Zorn (R-Monroe), 5/06/2021Would amend Act 51 by creating a new local railroad grade separation grant program within MDOT, including a scoring system. The bill allows Treasury to create an account/fund for this program. Applications by counties and municipalities can be submitted to MDOT. Read more...As passed by the Senateneutral position
SB 429, Sen. Ananich (D-Genesee), 5/11/2021Would amend the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act (NREPA) by modifying regulations for mining of sand and gravel operations. This would expand EGLE’s permit authority of “metallic minerals” mining to include “sand and gravel” mining and approve a reclamation plan for those two industries. Read more...As passed by the Senateneutral position
SB 431, Sen. Ananich, 5/11/2021Would amend the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act by modifying the conditions under which zoning ordinance may prohibit mining. Read more...As passed by the Senateneutral position
SB 430, Sen. Ananich, 5/11/2021Would amend the Code of Criminal Procedure by providing sentencing guidelines for violation of intentional false statement in a mining permit application or report.Read more...As passed by the Senateneutral position
SB 465, Sen. Runestad (R-Oakland), 5/20/2021Would amend Act 51 by allowing local agencies to sell their eligible local federal aid funds back to MDOT. This is a CRA Legislative Priority and we have worked hard to ensure it was re-introduced in this session. Read more...PA 49strong support
SB 466, Sen. MacDonald (R-Macomb), 5/20/2021Would amend Act 51 by revising the distribution of Michigan Transportation Funds for the local federal aid buyout program. CRA Legislative Priority; companion bill to above.Read more...PA 50strong support
SB 468, Sen. Outman (R-Montcalm), 5/20/2021Would amend the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act by providing funding for dams, and general amendments to part 315. Read more...Senate introduced billsupport
SB 469, Sen. Outman, 5/20/2021 Would establish the Michigan Dam Repair and Improvement Fund in the Michigan Department of Treasury, with the bill to be known as the “Michigan Dam Repair and Improvement Fund Act.” It will provide for the distribution of money from the fund; will prescribe the powers and duties of certain agencies and officials; and will provide for appropriations.Read more...Senate introduced billsupport
SB 470, Sen. Stamas (R-Midland), 5/20/2021Would amend the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act (NREPA) by providing funding for dams, and general amendments to part 315. Read more...Senate introduced billsupport
SB 471, Sen. Stamas (R-Midland), 5/20/2021Would amend NREPA to allow emergency orders to draw down lake levels under certain circumstances. Read more...Senate introduced bill
SB 529, Sen. Schmidt (R- Grand Traverse), 6/9/2021Is a supplemental budget bill that would provide federal COVID funding to repair or replace local bridge and fund local rail grade separation projects. Read more...As passed by the Senatestrong support
HB 4976, Rep. Markkanen (D-Houghton), 6/9/2021Would amend the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Revenue Equalization Act by allowing an exemption from the collection of streamlined sales and use tax under the international fuel tax agreement for motor fuel tax reciprocity agreements.Read more...PA 24neutral position
HB 4977, Rep. Markkanen (D-Houghton), 6/9/2021Would expand the governing authority of the Michigan Highway Reciprocity Board, including but not limited to, certain reciprocal compacts and motor fuel tax agreements. Read more...PA 25neutral position
HB 4978, Rep. Markkanen (D-Houghton), 6/9/2021Would amend the Motor Carrier Fuel Tax Act by allowing exemption from the international fuel tax agreement for motor fuel tax reciprocity agreements. Read more...PA 26neutral position
HB 5002, Rep. O’Neal (Saginaw), 6/15/2021Would amend the state Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act by creating a Dam Safety Emergency Response Fund within the Department of Treasury with $15 million in seed money from the state’s General Fund.Read more...
House introduced billsupport
HB 5246, Rep. Cambensy, (D-Marquette), 7/01/2021Would amend Act 51 by creating a new Local Agency Infrastructure Disaster Relief Program, including the creation of board and description of its duties and responsibilities. This is a CRA Legislative Priority and comes as a result of our work with legislators. Read more...House introduced billstrong support
HB 5247, Rep. Lightner (R-Jackson), 7/01/2021Would amend the Act 51 by creating the Local agency Infrastructure Disaster Relief Fund account and allowing funds levied from motor fuel tax to be deposited in this account. This is a CRA Legislative Priority. Read more...House introduced billstrong support
SB 585, Sen. Victory (R-Ottawa), 6/30/2021Would amend the Michigan Vehicle Code by allowing auto dealerships to process vehicle registration transactions. Read more...
Senate introduced billneutral position
HB 5424, Rep. Hornberger (R-Macomb), 10/19/2021Would amend The Revised School Code to prohibit the use of revenue from certain levied taxes or state or federal appropriations for the payment of certain memberships. This could be the start of something negative that will impact other taxing structures (fuel tax) and membership dues. Read more...House introduced billOpposed
HB 4535, Rep. Borton (R-Otsego), introduced 3/18/2021Would amend the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act (NREPA) to prohibit vehicles and ORVS (except emergency vehicles) from using seasonal county roads that have been permitted for snowmobile trail use. This would apply from December 1 through March 31, if the trail is part of the NREPA-established statewide trail network; is designated for snowmobile use; the trail is snow-covered and groomed for snowmobiles. Read more...As passed by the HouseStrong Opposition
SB 706, Sen. Horn(R-Saginaw), introduced 10/27/2021Would amend the Michigan Vehicle Code by modifying and expanding the definition of automated driving systems and automated vehicle roadway. Read more...PA 179Neutral
HB 5286, Rep. Huizenga (R-Kent), introduced 8/18/2021Would amend the MVC by requiring flashing lights on speed limit signs to indicate the presence of workers in construction zones. Read more...PA 52support
HB 5290, Rep. O’Malley (R-Leelanau), introduced 9/14/2021Would amend the MVC by modifying the existing seasonal weight restrictions law that now mandates county road agencies post a list of all “restricted” roads and replacing it with a requirement that you post all “non-restricted” (all-season) roads or provide a map designating non-restricted roads on your website. Read more...As passed by the House
HB 5292, Rep. Slagh (R-Ottawa), introduced 9/14/2021Would amend the Open Meetings Act by modifying the procedures for electronic meetings of public bodies. Read more...House introduced bill
SB 752, Sen. McMorrow, (D-Oakland), introduced 11/30/2021Would amend Act 51 to create a green infrastructure permit program and require it be used for highway infrastructure projects. Read more...Senate introduced billOppose
SB 765, Sen. Schmidt (R-Grand Traverse), introduced 12/2/2021Would amend the MVC by requiring digital printing methods, and provide for an 8-year expiration date of the plate. Read more...Senate introduced billneutral position
HB 5570, Rep. S. Johnson (R-Allegan), introduced 11/30/2021Would amend the Motor Fuel Tax Act by eliminating annual consumer price indexing (CPI) on fuel taxes. Read more...House enrolled billstrong opposition
HB 5579, Rep. Pohutsky (D-Wayne), introduced 11/30/2021Would amend Act 51 to create a green infrastructure permit program and require it to be used for highway infrastructure projects. Identical to SB 752. Read more...House introduced billOppose
SB 883, Sen Bayer (D-Oakland), 2/17/2022Would amend the MVC by modifying established procedures to change a speed limit restriction on gravel or unimproved county roads. Read more...Senate introduced billoppose
SB 887, Sen. C. Hertel (D-Ingham), 2/23/2022Would amend the Closing Roads Under Construction or Repair statute by requiring the use of certain traffic control devices when closing a freeway or portion of freeway under certain conditions. Read more...Senate introduced billsupport
HB 5793, Rep. Albert (R-Ionia), 2/23/2022Would create an omnibus appropriation budget for multiple departments and branches for FY 2022-2023. Read more...As passed by the Houseneutral position
HB 5905, Rep. Witwer (D-Ingham), 3/15/2022Would amend Act 51 by creating a local agency culvert replacement fund within Treasury. Treasury will administer the account. Read more...House introduced billstrong support
HB 5906, Rep. VanSingel (R-Newaygo), 3/15/2022Would amend Act 51 by creating a local agency culvert replacement grant program. MDOT will operate and manage the program. This is a CRA Legislative Priority, as part of addressing local bridge needs. Read more...House introduced billstrong support
SB 984, Sen. Ananich (D-Genesee), 3/24/2022Would amend the General Sales Tax Act by suspending sales tax on motor fuel. Read more...Senate introduced billstrong support
SB 985, Sen. Ananich (D-Genesee), 3/24/2022Would amend the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Revenue Equalization Act by suspending sales and use tax on motor fuel. Read more...Senate introduced billstrong support
SB 986, Sen. Ananich (D-Genesee), 3/24/2022Would amend the Use Tax Act by suspending use tax on motor fuel. Read more...Senate introduced billstrong support
HB 6054, Rep. Koleszar (D-Oakland), 4/27/2022Would create and provide a new electric vehicle rebate program. No mention of what funding source or credit program will be used. Read more...House introduced bill
HB 6055, Rep. VanSingel (R-Newygo), 4/27/2022Would create and provide a new electric vehicle charging equipment rebate program. No mention of what funding source or credit program will be used. Read more...House introduced bill
SB 1029, Sen. Victory (R-Ottawa), 5/5/2022Would amend the Fuel Tax act by placing a moratorium on motor fuel tax. Read more...As passed by the Senate
HB 6094, Rep. Howell (R-Lapeer), 5/10/2022Would amend the County Road Law by allowing county commissions to create road commission districts.Read more... House introduced bill
HB 6177, Rep. Meerman (R-Ottawa), 6/9/2022Would amend the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Revenue Equalization Act. This bill looks a “vehicle” bill, meaning there are no significant changes to the section of law it proposes to amend, but may be intended to amend that section of the law at some later date. Read more...House introduced bill
HB 6178, Rep. Lilly (R-Allegan), 6/9/2022Would amend the Motor Fuel Tax Act, beginning Jan. 1, 2023 decrease the fuel tax from 27.2₵ to 20.3₵ and retain the Consumer Price Indexing. Read more...House introduced bill
HB 6180, Rep. Calley (R-Ionia), 6/9/2022Would amend Act 51 at the 39/39/22 distribution point in Act 51. It would separate out the fuel taxes and marijuana tax portions for local road agencies (counties and municipalities) combine these two taxes and redistributed them 60% to county road agencies and 40% to municipalities. Read more...House introduced bill
SB 1081, Sen. Barrett (R-Eaton), 6/14/2022Would amend the Michigan Memorial Highway Act to require the Transportation Asset Management Council (TAMC) to administer, develop procedures, and designate memorial highways under the Act and to do so only for individuals who died in the line of duty in the service of the state or a local community, who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces, or who demonstrated acts of great heroism or valor that disregarded his or her own safety to protect the lives of others. Read more...As passed by the Senate