2019-2020 Bill Tracker

CRA has wide ranging interests. It tracks legislation on issues ranging from road and infrastructure funding to unfunded liabilities, agriculture, the logging industry, safety and more. The following are the bills CRA tracked in the 2019-2020 legislative session.

Bill#, Sponsor, Date
CRA's Position
SB 10, Sen. Wojno (D-Macomb), 1/15/2019Would amend Act 51 by mandating MDOT warranty any road pavement project over $2 million. Read more...Senate introduced billNeutral
SB 27, Sen. Lucido (R-Macomb), 1/16/2019Would amend Act 51 by allocating vehicle registration fees to the county road commission of the county in which a registrant resides. Read more...Senate introduced billStrongly oppose
SB 28, Sen. Lucido (R-Macomb), 1/16/2019Would amend the Motor Fuel Tax by shifting the deposit of fuel tax revenue collected from the Michigan Transportation Fund (a.k.a., Act 51) to the county in which fuel is pumped. Read more...Senate introduced billStrongly oppose
SB 33, Sen. Victory (R-Ottawa), 1/16/2019Would amend the Governmental Liability for Negligence statute by clarifying that the Governmental Tort Liability Act applies to county road commissions. Read more...Senate introduced billStrongly support
SB 34, Sen. Victory (R-Ottawa), 1/16/2019Would amend the County Road Law by clarifying that county road commissions are subject to the Government Governmental Liability for Negligence statute. Read more... Senate introduced billStrongly support
HB 4062, Rep. Yaroch (D-Macomb), 1/17/2019Would amend Act 51 by modifying a key eliminate used in distributing Act 51 revenues to county road agencies. It would eliminate straight miles and insert actual lane miles, along with vehicles registered in a county and county population, when determining the county distribution. Read more... House introduced billStrongly oppose
HB 4072, Rep. Hope (D-Ingham), 1/23/2019Would prohibit use of flowback water from hydraulic fracturing process on dirt roads as a dust suppression tool. Read more...House introduced billNeutral
SB 61, Sen. Victory (R-Ottawa), 1/24/2019Would make changes to Michigan Vehicle Code to set up a procedure for establishing certain roadway speed limits. Read more...As passed by the SenateNeutral
HB 4120, Rep. Markkanen (R-Houghton), 2/5/2019Would amend the County Road Law by extending, from 15 to 30 years, the repayment terms to contracts or agreements for the purchase of real or personal property for public use. This is a CRA legislative priority. Read more...Vetoed by the GovernorStrongly support
HB 4125, Rep. Van Singel (R-Newaygo), 2/5/2019Would amend the Income Tax Act by modifying the earmark for School Aid Fund and Michigan Transportation Fund and eliminates earmark for Renew Michigan Fund. These changes do not affect the original allocations amounts of $150, $325 and finally $600 million in FY 2021 to the MTF. Read more...PA 75 of 2020Neutral
HB 4181, Rep. Manoogian (R-Oakland), 2/13/2019Would amend the Michigan Vehicle Code (MVC) by enhancing penalties for operating a vehicle while sending or receiving a message on an electronic wireless device. Read more...As passed by the HouseSupport
HB 4198, Rep. Cole (R-Antrim), 2/13/2019Would amend the MVC by expanding the prohibition of electronic communication while operating a motor vehicle and prohibits use of a cellular telephone by a minor while operating a vehicle. Read more...House introduced billSupport
HB 4199, Rep. Sheppard (R-Monroe), 2/13/2019Would amend the MVC by increasing penalties for operating a vehicle while sending, receiving or reading a message on a wireless device. Read more...House introduced billSupport
HB 4246, Rep. Maddock (R-Oakland), 2/26/2019Zero budget bill for FY 2019-20 Department of Transportation budget. Read more...As passed by the House
HB 4253, Rep. Lasinski (D-Washtenaw), 2/26/2019Would amend the Management and Budget Act by giving preference to Michigan-based companies for State of Michigan contracts. Read more...House introduced billOppose
HB 4263, Rep. Yaroch (R-Macomb), 2/26/2019Would accelerate the Income Tax threshold as it relates to the mandatory transfer of this revenue to the Michigan Transportation Fund (MTF - $150, $325 and $600 million), however, that threshold change does not increase or decrease those annual transfers to the MTF. Read more...House introduced billNeutral
SB 149, Sen. Schmidt (R-Grand Traverse), 2/28/2019Zero budget bill for FY 2019-20 Department of Transportation budget. Read more...PA 66 of 2019
HB 4405, Rep. Calley (R-Ionia), 3/19/2019Would amend the Michigan Vehicle Code by earmarking vehicle registration late fees ($10) into the Michigan Transportation Fund. Read more...House introduced billSupport
HB 4410, Rep. Eisen (R-St. Clair), 3/21/2019Would amend Act 51 by making it optional, not mandatory, that a county road agency spend 1 percent of its annual Michigan Transportation Fund revenue on non-motorized transportation services. Read more...House introduced billSupport
HB 4447, Rep. Albert (R-Kent), 4/11/2019Would amend the Protecting Local Government Retirement and Benefits Act by creating the Local Unit Recovery Status Fund. The fund would issue grants to county road commissions to assist them with their health and retirement underfunded pensions. No funding source has been identified for this program. Read more...House introduced billStrongly support
HB 4448, Rep. Howell (R-Lapeer), 4/11/2019Would amend the County Road Law by allowing a county road commission to levy a county road millage to cover unfunded accrued retirement liabilities. Read more...House introduced billStrongly support
HB 4476, Rep. Eisen, 4/18/2019Would amend Act 51 by raising the cap requiring MDOT and local road agency construction projects to be awarded by competitive bidding from $100,000 to $500,000. This is a CRA Legislative Priority. Read more...Vetoed by the GovernorStrong support
HB 4537, Rep. Lower (R-Montcalm), 5/1/2019Would amend the Michigan Vehicle Code by establishing a flat fee for passenger vehicle registration. Read more...House introduced billNeutral
HB 4673, Rep. Sheppard (D-Monroe), 5/24/2019Would provide funding for innovative transportation grant fund. Read more...House introduced billSupport
HB 4674, Rep. Afendoulis (R-Kent), 5/24/2019Would create innovative transportation grant fund. Read more...House introduced billSupport
SB 364, Sen. Zorn (R-Monroe), 6/5/2019Would create a Local Grade Separation Fund and grant program. Read more...As passed by the SenateOppose
HB 4716, Rep. Elder (D-Bay), 6/12/2019Would allow use of organic additives to control ice on public roads. Read more...House introduced billOppose
HB 4779, Rep. Greig (D-Oakland), 6/26/2019Would create a Vehicle Miles Traveled Tax (VMT) on trucks of the two heaviest classes, 26,000 pounds or more, at 6 cents per mile. Read more...House introduced billNeutral
HB 4780, Rep. Hoadley (D-Kalamazoo), 6/26/2019Would create a Rhode-Island style bridge toll program for trucks. Read more...House introduced billNeutral
HB 4781, Rep. Rabhi (D-Washtenaw), 6/26/2019Would increase the corporate income tax by 2.5 percent, implement a flow-through parity tax of 4.25 percent and repeal the harmful retirement tax. Read more...House introduced billNeutral
HB 4782, Rep. Sneller (D-Genesee), 6/26/2019Would create the “Fixing Michigan Roads” fund, where the revenue generated from the corporate tax and VMT bills would be directed. Read more...House introduced billNeutral
HB 4800, Rep. Cherry (D-Genesee), 6/26/2019Would allocate portion of revenue from vehicle registration fees to city, village or township where registrant resides. Read more...House introduced billStrongly oppose
SB 431, Sen. Hollier (D-Wayne), 8/20/2019Would amend the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act by modifying the conditions under which zoning ordinances may prohibit gravel mining. Read more...Senate introduced billNeutral
HB 4827, Rep. Sabo (D-Muskegon), 8/27/2019Would amend the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act by prohibiting the pruning, cutting or wounding of oaks during certain time periods and establishes best stewardship practices. Read more...House introduced billOppose
HB 4913, Rep. Markkanen (R-Houghton), 9/3/2019Would amend the Michigan Vehicle Code (MVC) by allowing for the use of green lights on commercial snow removal vehicles. After getting more information from the Houghton County Road Commission, Rep. Markkanen is reconsidering this bill. Read more...House introduced billStrongly oppose
HB 4915, Rep. Berman (R-Oakland), 9/4/2019A bill to create new legislation establishing liability and providing remedies for damage resulting from falling trees or tree branches. Read more...House introduced billStrongly oppose
SB 515, Sen. Barrett (R-Eaton), 9/12/2019Would amend Act 51 by requiring MDOT to develop a highway construction inflation index by March 1, 2020, to measure inflation costs of highway construction annually. Read more...As passed by the SenateSupport
SB 516, Sen. Barrett (R-Eaton), 9/12/2019Would amend Act 51 by requiring local asset management reports to be extended from three to six years and create additional state reporting requirements. Read more...As passed by the SenateSupport
SB 517, Sen. Bizon (R-Calhoun), 9/12/2019Would amend Act 51 requiring MDOT to perform a feasibility study for tolling certain highways. Read more...PA 140 of 2020Neutral
SB 518, Sen. Runestad (R-Oakland), 9/12/2019would amend Act 51 by remove the federal aid distribution to locals and requiring all federal aid funds received by the state be allocated to MDOT except for those specifically allocated for local jurisdictions or a local jurisdiction through a competitive process. Read more...As passed by the SenateStrongly support
SB 519, Sen. Michael MacDonald (R-Macomb), 9/12/2019Would amend Act 51 by requiring MDOT to buy back the local road agencies’ (counties and municipalities) portion of federal aid (25%) with State Transportation Funds (STF) and distribute that revenue 64.2% to counties and 35.8% to municipalities (assuming it follows the internal formulas as no specific instruction for this funding distribution were included). Read more...As passed by the SenateStrongly support
SB 520, Sen. Outman (R-Montcalm), 9/12/2019Would amend the Local Pavement Warranty Program in Act 51 by removing the term “new construction” and clarifying the use of “pavement construction” to include “or reconstruction and capitol preventative projects” and increasing the pavement threshold from $2 to $5 million. Read more...As passed by the SenateSupport
SB 521, Sen. Roger Victory (R-Ottawa), 9/12/2019Would amend Act 51 by requiring local units of government (county, township or municipalities) to include plans on how maintenance for new roads will be paid for when adding new roads to their local systems or within planned developments. Read more...Senate introduced billOppose
SB 522, Sen. Zorn (R-Monroe), 9/12/19Would amend Act 51 by establishing a local road agency advocate appointed by the Transportation Asset Management Council with consent of the Senate. The main duty of this position will be assisting local road agencies in the permitting process with any state agency and helping local agencies comply with federal requirements. Read more...As passed by the SenateOppose
SB 523, introduced by Sen. McBroom (R-Dickinson), 9/12/2019Would amend the Michigan Vehicle Code (MVC) by requiring an EIN before issuing a plate or tab renewal for farming and logging vehicles. Read more...Senate introduced billSupport
SB 524, Sen. LaSata (R-St. Joseph), 9/12/2019Seeks to amend Act 51 to increase transparency by requiring the posting of certain information on certain state and local road construction projects. Read more...Senate introduced billOppose
HB 4963, Rep. O’Malley (R-Benzie), 9/12/2019Would create new legislation allowing counties to levy a local option fuel tax by a vote of the people. The tax collected would be distributed by population and actual road miles to other local road agencies within the county boundaries. Read more...House introduced billSupport
HB 4964, Rep. Sneller (D-Genesee), 9/12/2019Would amend the MVC by allowing counties to levy a local option vehicle registration fee by a vote of the people. The fees collected will be distributed by population and actual road miles to other local road agencies within the county boundaries. Read more... House introduced billSupport
HB 4965, Rep. Schroeder (R-Oakland), 9/12/2019Would amend Act 51 by providing more flexibility to county road agencies when transferring funds from the primary road account to the local road account and not be constrained by these limits; instead, they would simply need to have and follow an approved asset management plan. Read more...House introduced billSupport
HB 4966, Rep. Wakeman (R-Saginaw), 9/12/2019Would amend Act 51 by providing more flexibility to cities and villages when transferring funds from their street accounts and not be constrained by these limits; instead, they would simply need to have and follow an approved asset management plan. Read more...PA 153 of 2020Neutral
HB 4967, Rep. Mueller (R-Genesee), 9/12/2019Would amend the Bidders on Public Works statute by changing MDOT prequalification limitations to eliminate prequalification for sub-contractors hired for landscaping, seeding, sodding or stonework for projects under $10 million; for projects above $10 million, all contractors need to be prequalified. Read more...House introduced billNeutral
HB 4968, Rep. Markkanen (R-Houghton), 9/12/2019Would amend Act 51 by revising the distribution for snow removal based on the immediately preceding 14 calendar years, instead of “before 1987.” Read more...House introduced billOppose
HB 4969, Rep. Yancy (D-Wayne), 9/12/2019Would amend Act 51 by prohibiting MDOT and the local road agencies from contractually restricting road-building times and requires that all road projects be put out for bid no later than the last fiscal quarter of the fiscal year prior to work beginning on a project. Further, the bill does provide an exemption from the bid requirement in emergency situations. Lastly, the bill allows local governments to consider “responsive and responsible best value bidder” as well as “low bid” when selecting contracts. Read more...House introduced billStrongly oppose
HB 4970, Rep. Bellino (R-Monroe), 9/12/2019Would amend Act 51 by allowing local road agencies to enter into Michigan Alternative Project Delivery Method Agreements with other road agencies (counties and municipalities) and private entities, including but not limited to, design, development, finance, maintenance, operations of a road, street or bridges, etc. Read more...House introduced billOppose
HB 4971, Rep. Alexander (R-Jackson), 9/12/2019Would amend Act 51 by requiring the Transportation Asset Management Council (TAMC) to evaluate roads throughout the state for “right-sizing” and work with the state and local road agencies to ensure our infrastructure is not overbuilt. Read more...PA 164 of 2020Support
HB 4972, Rep. Leutheuser (R-Hillsdale), 9/12/2019Would amend the MVC by switching from an ad-valorem system and impose a $40 base fee with an additional tiered miles per gallon (MPG) fee (MPG Fees 0-10 mpg + $30 ($70 total); 11-20 mpg + $40 ($80 total); 21-30 mpg + $75 ($105 total); 31-40 mpg + $120 ($160 total); 40+mpg + $200 ($240 total); Full Electric + $250 ($290 total). All MPG fees would be indexed to inflation every 5 years. Read more...House introduced billOppose
HB 4973, Rep. Glenn (R-Ionia), 9/12/2019Would amend Act 51 by allowing for the transfer and/or collaborative sharing of local bridge design, construction, and/or operations with MDOT. Read more...House introduced billSupport
SB 635, Sen. MacGregor (R-Kent), 11/7/2019Would amend the MVC by modifying the fee for the transfer of registration plates from one vehicle to another. Identical to HB 5195. Read more...Senate introduced billOppose
HB 5195, Rep. Sheppard (R-Monroe),11/6/2019Would amend the MVC by modifying the fee for the transfer of registration plates from one vehicle to another. Identical to SB 635. Read more...PA 102 of 2020Oppose
HB 5204, Sen. Johnson (R-Oakland),11/6/2019Would amend the MVC by allowing for two-year vehicle registration. Read more...House introduced billSupport
HB 5250, Rep. Maddock (R-Oakland),11/13/2019Would amend the Michigan Vehicle Code (MVC) by eliminating registration plates and removing the requirement to carry a registration certificate in a vehicle. Read more...House introduced billNeutral
HB 5251, Rep. Maddock (R-Oakland),11/13/2019Would amend the MVC by expanding MDOT’s authority to issue permits to mobile home haulers and create a one-stop application method via MDOT. MDOT would have two days to approve the permit for themselves and all local agency who require single mobile home permits, and five days to approve an annual permit. If MDOT fails to act within the designated days, all permits are considered approved.

MDOT would collect all permit fees and forward those local permit fees to the appropriate local agency. Locals are obligated to inform MDOT of their rules and fees; if the locals fail to inform MDOT, the law assumes that the local agency has no permit requirement nor fees. Read more...
House introduced billOppose
SB 683, Sen. Lucido (R-Macomb), 12/5/2019Would amend Act 51 by modifying the distribution of funds based on the calculation of highway, road and street miles. Read more...Senate introduced billOppose
HB 5283, Rep. Yaroch (R-Macomb), 12/5/2019Would amend Michigan Vehicle Code by allocating vehicle registration fees to the county where the registrant resides and allocating funds to local road agencies based on road miles. Read more...House introduced billOppose
HB 5284, Rep. Yaroch (R-Macomb), 12/5/2019Would amend the Act 51 by allocating motor fuel tax revenue by vehicle registrations in each county and road miles. Read more...House introduced billOppose
HB 5313, Rep. Sheppard (R-Monroe), 1/9/2020Would amend the Michigan Vehicle Code (MVC) by revising the fee structure for transferring title of a passenger vehicle registrations. Read more...PA 103 of 2020Oppose
HB 5314, Rep. Markkanen (R-Houghton), 1/9/2020Would amend the County Road Law by extending, from 15 to 30 years, the repayment terms to contracts or agreements for the purchase of real or personal property for public use. This is a CRA legislative priority. Read more...PA 286 of 2020Support
SB 716, Sen. Victory (R-Ottawa), 1/14/2020Would amend Act 51 by prohibiting the State Transportation Commission from borrowing or issuing bonds for road construction at more than a certain level without notice to the Legislature; and allows the Legislature to disapprove bonding in excess of the limit by concurrent resolution. Read more...As passed by the SenateNeutral
SB 722, Sen. McBroom (R-Dickinson), 1/15/2020Would amend the MVC by expanding traffic regulations requirement for vehicles to move over and slow down when passing to include rural letter carrier vehicles. Read more...Senate introduced billSupport
SB 744, Sen. Schmidt (R-Grand Traverse), 1/22/2020Would provide appropriations for the FY 2020-21 Transportation Budget. Read more...Senate introduced bill
HB 5473, Rep. Calley (R-Ionia), 2/6/2020Modifies bonds issued by the State Transportation Commission changing the amount of bonds and notes that could be sold by the commission, stating debt service payments cannot exceed 10% of the total transportation revenue from the previous year. The current limit is 50%. Read more...House introduced billNeutral
HB 5485, Rep. O’Malley (R-Benzie), 2/11/2020Would create a task force of state and local officials dealing with flooding and erosion issues. However, no road agency representative will be part of the task force - right now. Read more...House introduced billOppose
HB 5487, Rep. Maddock (R-Oakland), 2/13/2020Would amend the Michigan Vehicle Code (MVC) by providing for multiyear vehicle registration plates/tabs. Read more...House introduced billOppose
HB 5489, Rep. Mueller (R-Genesee), 2/13/2020Would amend Act 51 by modifying the external formula used for disbursements of transportation funds to the three road groups. From 39%/39%/22% to 21.8% MDOT, 43.1% counties and 35.1% cities and villages. Identical to SB 796. Read more...House introduced billOppose
SB 796, Sen. Horn (R-Saginaw), 2/18/2020Would amend Act 51 by modifying the external formula used for disbursements of transportation funds to the three road groups. From 39%/39%/22% to 21.8% MDOT, 43.1% counties and 35.1% cities and villages. Identical to HB 5489. Read more...Senate introduced billOppose
SCR 22, Sen. Stamas (R-Midland), 2/20/2020A concurrent resolution calling for the responsible use of the state’s transportation bonding authority and to state the Legislature’s intent regarding future debt service payments. Read more...As adopted by the SenateNeutral
HB 5582, Rep. Hernandez (R-St. Clair), 3/5/2020Would eliminate sales tax on fuel 2% each year for three years, and shift excise tax to replace the loss on sales tax revenue. Read more...House introduced billSupport
HB 5583, Rep. Hernandez (R-St. Clair), 3/5/2020Would eliminate sales tax on fuel 2% each year for three years, and shift excise tax to replace the loss on sales tax revenue. Read more...House introduced billSupport
HB 5584, Rep. Cambensy (D-Marquette), 3/5/2020Would eliminate the sales tax on fuel over three years. Read more...House introduced billSupport
HB 5585, Rep. O’Malley (R-Benzie), 3/5/2020Would create the revenue-neutral replacement tax on fuel through redirected income tax. Read more...House introduced billSupport
HB 5586, Rep. O’Malley, 3/5/2020Would hold the School Aid Fund harmless in eliminating sales tax from fuel. Read more...House introduced billSupport
HB 5587, Rep. Mike Mueller (R-Genesee), 3/5/2020Would direct all revenue collected through the revenue-neutral replacement tax on fuel to county road agencies, cities and villages. Read more...House introduced billOppose
SB 946, Sen. MacGregor (R-Kent), 6/2/2020Creates new legislation known as the Qualified Heavy Equipment Rental Personal Property Specific Tax Act, and it would provide specific tax exemptions on certain heavy equipment rental. Read more...Senate introduced bill
SB 947, Sen. MacGregor (R-Kent), 6/2/2020Would amend the General Property Tax Act by providing property tax exemption for those groups in the Qualified Heavy Equipment Rental Personal Property Specific Tax Act on certain heavy equipment. Read more...Senate introduced bill
HB 5980, Rep. Cole (R-Antrim), 7/23/2020Would amend Michigan’s Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act (NREPA) by changing how townships process and permit water withdrawal for aggregate mining. Very similar to SB 431. Read more...House introduced bill
SB 1020, Sen. McBroom (R-Dickinson), 7/23/2020Would amend NREPA by exempting certain permit requirement for certain activities along the Great Lakes shoreline above the statutory ordinary high-water mark. Read more...Senate introduced bill