Voters show support for road millages on November General Election ballot

Voters in local elections across Michigan again expressed strong support for road millages during the November 3 General Election. Voters passed 100% of the 39 millage renewals on the ballot and 82% of the 34 new road millages proposed.

“Voters continually demonstrate that road improvement and maintenance are top priorities for their communities,” said Denise Donohue, director of the County Road Association (CRA) of Michigan. “County road agencies appreciate the support from members of the community who vote to support millages that will improve the local county roads and bridge network.”

And township millages are critical as matching funds to get roads repaired locally.

New millages
Regarding the 34 proposed new road millages in townships, 28 passed. The four new millage proposals that didn’t pass were in Grass Lake Charter Township (Jackson County), Raisin Township (Lenawee County), Fillmore Township and Leighton Township (Allegan County).

Renewal millages
Of the 39 road millages proposed for renewal, there were 37 township and two countywide (Iron County and Grand Traverse County) questions on the ballot.

All election results, including millages, are unofficial until certified by the State Bureau of Elections.